Welcome to my section about JRR Tolkein. There's so much to say and much said on the subject that I am
limiting my pages essentially to some of the amazing Tolkien inspired
artwork around on the Web.
Tolkien People |
Tolkien Graphics |
Tolkien Maps |
Special Feature
Along with the wealth of graphical work Tolkien's literature inspired there was also the Musical work. Numerous musicians have been inspired by Tolkien,
including Rick Wakeman, but the musical interpretation
I prefer is the one done by the Scandinavian Bo Hansson. His album originally
came out in 1970 so you can't really say he jumped on bandwagon, as certain
did, in the wake of Peter Jackson's trilogy. Bo Hansson's interpretation (no lyrics, only the seagulls of the Gray Havens) of LoTR is, well, his own! You either like it or find that
it has nothing, apparently, to do with the book. Knowing the story
of the Ring almost backwards I have no issue with this album and find
it enjoyable enough to have bought the CD some 30 years after I bought
the original LP/33/Vinyl, which I still have but can't listen to because
I don't have a turntable on my satanic mini HIFI. ©Nick Richards Nov 2004, updated Oct 2016 |