![]() Manwë |
![]() Ulmo (appearing before Tuor) |
![]() Morgoth (Melkor) before Fingolfin |
![]() Tulkas The Warrior |
![]() Varda |
![]() Mandos The doorman |
![]() Sauron i |
![]() Saruman ii |
![]() Radagastiv |
Of the Maiar.
i A rare image of Morgoth's Lieutenant. As a Maia who went of own will to Middle earth Sauron kept all his powers. On such power was the power to take any
form he wished and Sauron used this power to take on the physical form of
a Human necromancer to seduce the Numenoreans and cause the sack of Numenor. ii As the accepted head of the group of Maiar sent to Middle earth the Maia that became Saruman theWhite took the avatar of a man of skill and wisdom and openly assumed the role of head of the Istari and was of great standing and knowledge. It was the lust for knowledge that lead Saruman to ally himself with Sauron and to his ultimate downfall and death, at the hands of a hobbit at the end of the 03rd age. iii One
of Varda's favourite Maiar. Olorin was chosen, along with the rest of the
special group of Maiar, to be sent to Middle earth to help the "Atani"
combat Sauron. (The Valar had been forbidden by Manwe, on Eru's bidding, to go themselves, which angered Tulkas, and sent the Maiar as a way aiding the "Atani" without infringing Eru's bidding) iv The 03rd known member
of the group of chosen Maiar took the form of an Istari devoting his mission
to the flore and the fauna of Middle earth and was known as Radagast the
Red. Finally.The entire group of chosen Maiar, in Middle earth, numbered 7 or 8. What happened to the others no mention is made other than a brief reference in the Silmarillon where it is mentioned that they went East and nothing more is said of their work. |
* Of
Feanor, prince of the Noldor. Known as the greatest of the Elven craftsmen.
Feanor captured the light of the Two Trees of Arda and imprisoned them inside
jewels called the "Silmarili" . This caused the banishment of
the Noldor to Middle earth and was the starting point of a very, very, very
long story
** Of Glorfindel. A noble Elf of Gondolin, who fled the Fall of that city with Tuor and Idril and whose battle with a Balrog in the Encircling Mountains secured their escape with their son Eärendil. Only
a few of the Elves are mentioned here and only one woman, Luthien, however
to be correct Women of the Elves played very important roles in the history
of the 01st ages.
![]() Beren - One hand (of the House of Bëor the old) |
![]() Turin Turambur fighting Glauring (of the House of Bëor the old) |
![]() Tuor (of the House of Bëor the old) |
![]() Isuldur **** |
![]() Aragorn |
![]() |
Of the house of Earendil
* Earendil: Son of Tuor married Elwing, grand daughter of Beren and Luthien.
They had 2 sons. (NB. After the victorious battle, at the end of the 01st age, that finally overthrew Morgoth, Elros and Elrond, already of half Elvish descendance, were rewarded for their part in the victory. As half Man; half Elf they were allowed to choose between joining the elves and staying with the Men of Middle earth. Elrond chose to become an Elf and was assured a place in Valinor, when the time came. Elros chose to remain with the men of Middle earth and became the first in the long line of Numenor kings.) Although Elros chose not to become an Elf and become immortal, he, as with
his descendants, benefited from an extremely long life span. |
A special thanks to all the artists who help "bring to life" Tolkien's characters and their and notably: ©Nick Richards Nov 2004, appended Oct 2016 |