The choice of my reading material varied enormously depending on the period. And then there was the rest... a whole life of reading virtually anything and everything under the sun... ...from the mystical and mythical |
...Science fiction, with
...Science fantasy, with
.. so called techno-thrillers, with amongst others
*NB. Tom Clancy was just one of a number of people writing "Techno-Thrillers". Authors like Patrick Robinson (specializing in Naval Techno-thrillers), Dale Brown (ex USAF), Clive Cussler (N.U.M.A.) and Chris Ryan (ex S.A.S) have all realized that there is a demand for this type of literature thus making it more accessible to people like me. |
...Some excellent bed-time reading, from a master of the genre |
...Some more from an all time master |
...Some obscure... because youthful curiosity insists on going into dark corners ...
Long before I started reading Tom Clancy I had, like every English boy then, been reading all the Alistair Maclean books, and other such war stories of the same style. They all depicted the war in a very heroic patriotic manner and always from an allied forces perspective. The Brits and the Americans were always the heroes and the Germans always the bad guys and of course I wasn't aware,at the time, that Germany actually had a resistance movement and that the subtle and ambiguous manoeuvres of Germany's "Official" Counter-Espionage/Counter-Intelligence service, the Abwehr, sometimes served to the Allied cause to best suit their own ends! Strangely enough. It was around the same that I started reading JRR Tolkien's Lord
of the rings I also started reading the works of a Danish author. This Danish
author turned my vision of the 02nd World War upside down and at the age
of 19 or 20 my blind faith in all things "Authority" got rattled. NB. Sven Hassel became minor cult figure in the 60s & 70's. Personally I bought all his books during the 70's, starting with "March Battalion" before the vagaries of life made me part with them and turn a page, so to speak. It was only very recently, and in the course of research for my website "PlanetWaves133, a site consecrated to Militaria that I came across reference to the Wehrmacht's disciplinary regiments. For more, unofficial, info concerning Sven Hassel here's a website that might be interesting to fans: |
...Some unclassable, with
(Special cover illustration: Nighthawks by Edward Hooper) |
And last but not least some literature that really marked me, the works of ...JRR Tolkien
As well as a selection of other works including the unfinished tales by J.R.R.Tolkien,published by his son Christopher after Tolkien's death. |
©Nick Richards Nov 2003, updated Sept 2016